Dec 19, 2024Added new nonogram: Santa Claus (40 x 23, ), 60 parts, 2 colors.
Dec 16, 2024The time for new nonogram is now. Check it out: Candy canes (50 x 25, ), 8 parts.
Dec 13, 2024Are you looking for a good brain teaser? Try this nonogram: Christmas baking (50 x 22, ), 45 parts.
Dec 12, 2024Day without a logic puzzle? Maybe someday, but not today: Ambition (40 x 31, ), 56 parts.
Dec 9, 2024Today we released nonogram Shark (45 x 30, ). It has only 4 parts and it is very easy.
Dec 5, 2024Today is a good day to release new nonogram: Homesickness (50 x 30, ), 13 parts.
Dec 2, 2024Today we came with this nonogram: Fish (40 x 33, ), 9 parts.
Dec 1, 2024All nonograms solved already? Try fresh new one: Notepad (40 x 44, ), 1 part.
Nov 28, 2024All nonograms solved already? Try fresh new one: Athena (40 x 30, ), 70 parts.
Nov 25, 2024Are you looking for a good brain teaser? Try this nonogram: Tools (40 x 24, ), 9 parts.
Nonogram of the week
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Nonograms - logic puzzles
This site is dedicated to logic puzzles Nonograms (also known as Paint by Numbers or Griddlers).
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How to solve nonograms - rules and basic solving techniques
There are 1,606 pictures available consisting of 35,851 parts. Every nonogram has unique solution and is solvable by pure logic, no guessing needed.